Thursday, August 14, 2008

Farewell service / party

Here are pictures from our farewell service at church on August 3rd. It was such a neat and honoring service that they put together for us. We had a time of worship, and then they had a couch up front where they asked us to sit as the "guests of honor" for the remainder of the service. They presented us with a photo album that they made for us, they put on a skit about our lives here in Brazil (the funny part was that they accidently made me pregnant 4 times in the skit instead of 3... hopefully that's not prophetic!), several of the young people who have been around since the early days spoke to us and thanked us for all we did in their lives, and Lyndell made an awesome video of pictures from over the years. Then after the service there were lots of hugs and tears and of course, food. Oh, how we will miss those "salgadinhos" in the states!!

Here we are up front being prayed for by the congregation.

Here we are watching the video that Lyndell made for us.

Bruno playing the drums... how he has grown up over the years!!
Marcio & Diego
Lélia & Lisandra
Monikelly, Mikaelly & Aline
Victor, Vânia, Chris & Chad

Chris & Lídia
This thumb will prove to be interesting to wean Elysia off of!!
The girls and their friends (whom they miss already).

Bruce, Victor & Chad...
Hmmm, did Chad and Bruce plan to wear nearly matching shirts??
These are my two big girls!
Victor, Bruno, Diego & Marcio

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