I'm down to 6 weeks now until my duedate, although the baby will probably be born earlier since it will be a planned c-section. I'm sooo ready for this baby to be born... not that I want a pre-mature birth or anything, don't get me wrong... it's just that it is so uncomfortable in this heat, let alone taking care of 3 ages 3 and under (Giselle turns 4 next month). I'm looking forward to the fact that our house in Juazeiro will not have steps! That will be nice now at the end of the pregnancy and also for recovery after the birth. Lyndell made an interesting observation: they moved down here in September of 2005, meaning they are coming up on 3-years of being here. Larissa was just 2 mo. old when they got here. I have gone through 2 full pregnancies since they came (do the math... that's 18mo. of being pregnant), which means that for exactly half of the time they have been here, I have been pregnant (and probably nursing most of the rest of the time)! I think I'm ready for a break after this one!!! I really don't know how people do it, having one right after the other for 10 years straight or something. I don't see how they can properly care for and give all the attention needed to the others. I know my case is a little unique, given all that we are going through right now, but still!! Let me just say here too, what an amazing husband I have who helps out so much with the girls and is so gracious to me when I am uncomfortable, frustrated, and my patience is running thin. I'm ready to be able to play with my four little ones and hold them in my lap without having a big belly get in the way. Giselle needs some extra attention in her speech, and I hope to be able to have more time to spend with her in Juazeiro working on that.
Here are some random pictures of our princesses:
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