Sunday, June 1, 2008


So this is what it feels like to have a bakery or bread-store, etc... Chad has woken up at 5am the past 2 days to start making desserts!! This is a good thing! Yesterday (Saturday) Beth sold our new record high of 65. Monday was 50 and the other days in the week were a little weaker. But yesterday she also got an order from a restaurant for 44 chocolate cupcakes for this morning. Chad also made contact with 2 restaurants nearby here who are trying out our stuff. If they would really start selling, our wholesale sales could really skyrocket. We feel like this business is just on the verge of really taking off. It's exciting!! As our responsibilities here in the ministry are gradually being taken over by others, it's nice to have something else to throw ourselves into. Please pray for wisdom for us in all of the decisions that need made along the way! Our desire is to see this business up and running smoothly by the end of July when we go to Juazeiro.

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