This has been one of those weeks... one where you just want to brace yourself for what is going to happen next. We are really feeling like we are in a spiritual battle. Things had been coming along so smoothly with the transition and Victor & Vânia arriving, and then all of a sudden things started happening. It just reminds us of how real the spiritual war is that we are in. The enemy is NOT happy with our growing church and the awesome new things that are happening with the new leadership that is coming in. So we are more aware than ever of how we need to be on guard and doing our prayerful part in this spiritual war. We are planning for the month of June to be a month of serious prayer and fasting especially for the leadership here. We are so excited for what God has planned for the future, and we want to make sure that no plans of the enemy stand in the way of His plans!! So we would appreciate your prayers and support, as always, during this crucial time.
As for family-life, we are doing well. Elysia has a bottom tooth coming through, so she is not always her jolly self these days. Larissa's favorite song just now is "Old McDonald", but she doesn't like when I sing along with her - she wants to sing it by herself. We're pretty sure Giselle is going to be a drum player. She loves hitting things while Chad is playing guitar, and she has amazing rhythm. Baby is quite active these days. I'm 24 weeks along and feeling great physically. We are having quite a time finding a name for our little girl. We already came up with 3 girls' names, so we're running out of ideas!
Here are some pictures from this past week.

Silliness at bedtime.

Bedtime kisses...

And hugs.

Yup, she crawls up on the couch all by herself.

Everyone looking out the front door (including Molly).

At the beach with Victor & Vânia and their little girl Vanessa (the one one the left).

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