I have finally decided to enter the blog world! My goal is to post once a week. Our lives are a bit crazy right now, but hopefully I will be able to keep all of our family and friends informed of what's happening in our lives.
The title of this post is something that we say a lot these days. When we first moved, the girls had a hard time knowing where "home" was, because we are living at Bruce & Lyndell's house. So we explained to them that we have all of our "stuff" in our living space at Bruce & Lyndell's, so that is our home. This will be true for another 2 1/2 months yet, at which point we will be moving to Juazeiro for about 4 months. That will then be home, because that's "where our stuff will be". Then in December that will change once again (providing all goes to plan) as we move to the states.
The girls are doing very well. Elysia just turned 1 on Wednesday, and we had fun celebrating her first year. She is walking and loves to climb on anything possible. Giselle is 3 1/2 and loves to watch tv. That can even be golf or baseball - whatever is on tv, she's glued to it. The other night she was watching a basketball game with Daddy, and I told her it was time to go to bed. She looked at me and said, "But I'm watching the game, Mommy." Larissa is 2 1/2 and talking like crazy. She constantly makes us laugh with the things she comes up with. She also likes to dance (especially during praise and worship at church) and sing made-up songs. All three girls love to play together... most of the time. 
Here are the 3 princesses out at the beach a couple of weeks ago. It is nearly impossible to get them all smiling together like this for the camera!!
Elysia's first birthday!
Here I am with my 3 precious little girls last night at church (Mother's Day).
Nice job, Chris! Remember - it doesn't have to be long.
Wow, Elysia has really changed from her baby picture! Chris, you look so great. No wonder God keeps blessing you guys with girls - look at your beautiful family!
I think one thing to ponder is how well children adopt to change, even better than us adults sometimes. At least that is what we are experiencing in our ever changing world.
May God bless your family,
Mel Myer
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