Now for an explaination of Elysia's mullet. About a week or so ago, I noticed that her hair was really thin right on the top. At first I was alarmed and thought, "oh no, is her hair falling out??" But then it hit me... I had seen her pulling fist-fulls of hair out once or twice before, so I figured that must be what's happening. Well, it's gotten worse since then. She must do it in bed or something, because I rarely see her doing it, except for yesterday I did see her yank a fist-full of hair out of the top of her head. Well, the result is that all of the hair on the top and sides is really short, and the hair in the back is long. Today I pulled the back hair into a ponytail, and that really made it noticable. Hopefully she soon stops it so her hair can grow back in!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Elysia's 'Mullet' & Larissa's dilema...
First I'll start with Larissa's story, which happened the other day. I had just finished feeding Callie, and Larissa crawled up on the bed and asked to hold her. I put Callie in her lap and she cradled her head in her arm like a good big sister. All of a sudden, Callie turned her head towards Larissa’s chest with her mouth open. Larissa wasn’t wearing a shirt, and she got an alarmed look on her face, looked from Callie’s mouth to her own chest, and quickly took her free hand and put it over her nipple to protect it from Callie’s searching mouth. That was the point that she was done holding her little sister….
Now for an explaination of Elysia's mullet. About a week or so ago, I noticed that her hair was really thin right on the top. At first I was alarmed and thought, "oh no, is her hair falling out??" But then it hit me... I had seen her pulling fist-fulls of hair out once or twice before, so I figured that must be what's happening. Well, it's gotten worse since then. She must do it in bed or something, because I rarely see her doing it, except for yesterday I did see her yank a fist-full of hair out of the top of her head. Well, the result is that all of the hair on the top and sides is really short, and the hair in the back is long. Today I pulled the back hair into a ponytail, and that really made it noticable. Hopefully she soon stops it so her hair can grow back in!!!

Now for an explaination of Elysia's mullet. About a week or so ago, I noticed that her hair was really thin right on the top. At first I was alarmed and thought, "oh no, is her hair falling out??" But then it hit me... I had seen her pulling fist-fulls of hair out once or twice before, so I figured that must be what's happening. Well, it's gotten worse since then. She must do it in bed or something, because I rarely see her doing it, except for yesterday I did see her yank a fist-full of hair out of the top of her head. Well, the result is that all of the hair on the top and sides is really short, and the hair in the back is long. Today I pulled the back hair into a ponytail, and that really made it noticable. Hopefully she soon stops it so her hair can grow back in!!!
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That is HILARIOUS about Larissa and really weird about Elysia. How can she stand that...maybe she's just got a very high pain tolerance and it's just something for her to do. :) Still...weird.
And so crazy...Callie IS already getting that pudge. You'll be prying her out of the Bumbo before you know it. :) So cute.
We take Callie to the doctor tomorrow - I'm excited to see how much she's gained already. She's 11 days old today.
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