Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Big Smiles
Here are some more pictures of Callie. She smiles a lot - you know, those lightning-fast smiles that come and go so quickly. Somehow this morning I managed to catch 2 with the camera! She was all dressed up to go to the doctor for her first check-up. She's 12 days old, and has already gained 12 ounces since birth and grew a little over an inch! She is doing so good - just waking up twice at night to feed... I'm quite ready for that to drop to 1 feeding at night. But I can't complain - she is a very content baby and only fusses when she's hungry. And even at night, she just wakes up to nurse and goes right back to sleep. She never had her nights and days mixed up where she wanted to be awake at night. We are so blessed.

Monday, September 15, 2008
Elysia's 'Mullet' & Larissa's dilema...
First I'll start with Larissa's story, which happened the other day. I had just finished feeding Callie, and Larissa crawled up on the bed and asked to hold her. I put Callie in her lap and she cradled her head in her arm like a good big sister. All of a sudden, Callie turned her head towards Larissa’s chest with her mouth open. Larissa wasn’t wearing a shirt, and she got an alarmed look on her face, looked from Callie’s mouth to her own chest, and quickly took her free hand and put it over her nipple to protect it from Callie’s searching mouth. That was the point that she was done holding her little sister….
Now for an explaination of Elysia's mullet. About a week or so ago, I noticed that her hair was really thin right on the top. At first I was alarmed and thought, "oh no, is her hair falling out??" But then it hit me... I had seen her pulling fist-fulls of hair out once or twice before, so I figured that must be what's happening. Well, it's gotten worse since then. She must do it in bed or something, because I rarely see her doing it, except for yesterday I did see her yank a fist-full of hair out of the top of her head. Well, the result is that all of the hair on the top and sides is really short, and the hair in the back is long. Today I pulled the back hair into a ponytail, and that really made it noticable. Hopefully she soon stops it so her hair can grow back in!!!

Now for an explaination of Elysia's mullet. About a week or so ago, I noticed that her hair was really thin right on the top. At first I was alarmed and thought, "oh no, is her hair falling out??" But then it hit me... I had seen her pulling fist-fulls of hair out once or twice before, so I figured that must be what's happening. Well, it's gotten worse since then. She must do it in bed or something, because I rarely see her doing it, except for yesterday I did see her yank a fist-full of hair out of the top of her head. Well, the result is that all of the hair on the top and sides is really short, and the hair in the back is long. Today I pulled the back hair into a ponytail, and that really made it noticable. Hopefully she soon stops it so her hair can grow back in!!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Introducing... Callie Tristan Miller
Here are some pictures of our newest addition... Callie Tristan Miller. She was born Friday, Sept. 5th at 6:40pm. She weighed 7lb. 5oz. (3.320kg) and was 19 1/4 inches (49cm) long. The c-section went very well. We got to the hospital at 5pm, the doctor got there a little after 6, and by 6:40 she was born. Since this is my 3rd c-section in such a short amount of time, my recuperation is going a little slower this time around. But let me just brag about my husband a second... he has taken on all of the responsibility of the housework and the 3 girls while I'm resting up. This morning he took care of breakfast, cleaned the kitchen, did 2 loads of laundry (including hanging it up to dry), swept and mopped the floors, and went grocery shopping... all before lunch! We have also been blessed with amazing neighbors who have been helping out with keeping the 3 girls. They kept them while we were in the hospital and tonight the girls are there while Daddy went to play some basketball... he still needs to get out of the house and clear his head a little after all that housework!! But we just see how God has been so faithful to provide for us in all areas. This family next door is a Christian family and they have 3 teenage daughters (ages 16, 18 & 19) who love kids, and practically beg us to let our girls go over and play. They have just been such a blessing. Anyway... on to some pictures...
My good friend Priscila (who is due in a month). The nurses at the hospital kept asking which one of us was having the baby.
Last pregnant picture!

She's definitely a sucker!

Teaching Elysia how to give "aye-ayes"

Doesn't Elysia look so big now?!?
She loves being swaddled up... not for long though in this heat. She'll soon have some good baby fat on her and will want to just be in a diaper all the time!

Friday, September 5, 2008
The first big news is that our little girl is going to be born tonight by c-section! We are so excited to finally meet her and see what she looks like!! Giselle and Larissa are super excited to meet their little sister, and Giselle keeps saying that she's going to take care of her "all by herself". Elysia's pretty clueless, but I'm sure she'll be all curious and excited once she sees her... especially the way she already likes to play with dollies.
Last Saturday we went to a little water park with the girls. Giselle absolutely loved it - she is our little fish. There is a wide slide leading from one kiddy-pool down to another, which you can see in the middle of the 3rd picture (isn't that a gorgeous backdrop?!? Click on the picture to get a better idea of how beautiful it was!). Chad and Giselle must have gone down that slide like 50 times. She just loved it! Larissa had fun too, but she is much more reserved and only went down the slide a few times. I even went down 2 times... Chad said the life-guard who was monitoring the slide kinda looked at me like I was crazy with this huge belly, but it was fun.

Yesterday the girls were having fun drawing out on the porch, and I thought it was so cute the way they lined up in a row, each with their own paper and pen. Elysia seems so old, doing everything her big sisters do!

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